Get Comfy with Wine

A wine Blog and Community of Women who love Wine

  • Spritz Aperol with a Twist

    Wondering how to make the perfect Spritz Aperol and what to mix in with your Aperol? Italy’s almost fluorescent orange “aperitivo” drink has become a world-wide hit over the past couple of decades. If you’re a fan and are looking to get that unmistakable aperitivo taste at home, here are three versions you’ll want to…

  • What does corked wine smell like? And what to do about it

    What does corked wine smell like? And what to do about it

    You’ve opened your wine and then the worst happens : it doesn’t smell like you would imagine. Here’s the why on cork taint and what to do if you’re unsure.  What is corked wine?  The most common wine fault is cork taint or TCA which is caused by a mould that grows on cork oak trees….

  • How long will opened wine last? Quick Guide to keeping wine

    How long will opened wine last? Quick Guide to keeping wine

    Did you just open wine and realise that there’s no way you’re going to finish it tonight? Here are a couple of ways for you to be able to enjoy it later : 1) Put the cork back the bottle and put it in the fridge  Your easiest option is to put the cork back…

  • Elgin : the Coolest wine-making region in South Africa, here’s why

    Elgin : the Coolest wine-making region in South Africa, here’s why

    One of the star wine-makers I had the pleasure of hosting during the online wine tastings held during lockdown (Quaranvino) was Master of Wine Richard Kershaw who presented his virtual winery and wines from Elgin, literally the coolest wine-making region in South Africa. Located about 70km East of Cape Town, Elgin is drawing a lot of attention,…

  • Lambrusco : Why you should be picking up a bottle today!

    Lambrusco : Why you should be picking up a bottle today!

    I love presenting wines to people that they just don’t expect and Lambrusco is one of them. Whilst this wine from Emilia-Romagna region of Central Italy got a bad name in some countries in the 1980s due to the large amount of pop-like wines that flooded the market (US, UK, and Germany for sure), countries…

  • Hello world!

    Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start writing!

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This is how it all started…

I started working in the wine industry completely by fluke back in January 2004. At that time I received a call for an interview for a job organising wine events in China. That job opened up my eyes to wine and a couple of months later I was in the world’s largest wine exhibition with a group of wine lovers finding myself saying “I know nothing about wine, I can’t tell you what I’m smelling” but they gave me a few tips and taught me that a little bit of knowledge could get me a long way to understanding more about the fascinating world of wine.

A couple of year’s later and I had passed my WSET levels 2 and 3 as well as the Italian Sommelier Association qualification however I still preferred to stay in the background. Surrounded by so many of the world’s leading press and experts for my day job, I was always in awe of how much they knew and there was to know about wine.

A decade or so later we were thrown into the pandemic and within a week of the lockdown being in place, I’d set up Quaranvino, the first online wine dinners bringing wine producers together with wine lovers for online dinners during those dark times. It was then that I realised that I loved bridging the gap between the people who make wine and the people who drink it, helping to put wines and regions in contexts and giving wine drinkers those nuggets of knowledge for them to understand the world of the wine producers.

girl with long dark hair sitting holding a glass of wine surrounded by wine bottles

Faye Cardwell

Wine Lover & Wine Events organiser