Get Comfy with Wine

A wine Blog and Community of Women who love Wine

Tag: Sparkling wine

  • Prosecco Night in : 10 foods for your snack board

    The girls are coming round and you’ve got the Prosecco in the fridge – what’s the easiest thing to serve? A delve-in, easy-to -prepare, snack board that looks great and takes only a few minutes to prepare.  With Prosecco you’ll want to go easy on the flavours, opting for foods that are not too overpowering. The…

  • Spritz Aperol with a Twist

    Wondering how to make the perfect Spritz Aperol and what to mix in with your Aperol? Italy’s almost fluorescent orange “aperitivo” drink has become a world-wide hit over the past couple of decades. If you’re a fan and are looking to get that unmistakable aperitivo taste at home, here are three versions you’ll want to…

  • Lambrusco : Why you should be picking up a bottle today!

    Lambrusco : Why you should be picking up a bottle today!

    I love presenting wines to people that they just don’t expect and Lambrusco is one of them. Whilst this wine from Emilia-Romagna region of Central Italy got a bad name in some countries in the 1980s due to the large amount of pop-like wines that flooded the market (US, UK, and Germany for sure), countries…